The Plantation Season

By 19/09/2011Uncategorized

Dear all,

After a long wait, the monsoon rains seems to have finally receded. The farmers are very grateful to Rato machindranath and Indra, the Rain Gods in the Hindu-Buddhist culture, who have blessed them with sufficient and timely rain this agricultural year. The advent of autumn has rendered the perfect conditions to begin the potato plantation at Devisthan Primary School.

With the belief that “one reaps, what one sows,” the students at the school volunteered whole-heartedly to help with the potato seed sowing within the school premises. The local farmers say that the harvest will be ready by the mid of November this year.

Potato as such is a high investment – high return food crop. The careful calculations of demand and supply of vegetables in the local market led us to decide that the crop to be planted at Devisthan Primary School would be potatoes. Come November and the many kilograms of potatoes grown by the school community will be transported to the local markets and sold. Now, lets not count the eggs before they hatch!

We at the Ek Pahila Foundation are simply very pleased at the progress the school has made within a few months. We hope that you keep supporting us and we can make a difference. We will keep you informed of the new developments through Facebook.



Ek Pahila Team